Grand Tour of Modernism

Can the Bauhaus only be found in Berlin, Dessau or Weimar? Not at all! Outstanding Bauhaus and modernist locations, with groundbreaking architecture that has had a lasting impact on our understanding of life, work, learning and living, can be found throughout Germany. North to south, west to east—the Grand Tour of Modernism links important and accessible buildings built between 1900 and 2000 on its journey through 100 years of architectural history. Two locations in the fan-shaped city of Karlsruhe feature in the Grand Tour of Modernism: the Dammerstock housing development and the Schwarzwaldhalle.

Tour 3

Karlsruhe – Experience the avant-garde

If you would like to opt for one of the suggested architectural routes, go for the ‘Exploring the avant-garde’ three-day tour visiting the state capital Stuttgart, Ulm and Karlsruhe.

Experience a striking example of Walter Gropius’ ribbon development at the Dammerstock housing development. ERASMUS, a slow food restaurant located in a Bauhaus building nearby, is the ideal culinary location to conclude this tour.

More information is available at